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Shiva Shell

  • Shell is naturally made. No two shells are alike. 


    All Cabachons are handcut, shaped and polished by hand at Silverwaters. 

    Also known as “Pacific Cats Eye” the Shiva Eye Shell comes from a specific type of Snail found off the coast of Thailand and the South Sea of North Australia. It is the “trap door”  or Operculum of the shell the snail organism goes in and out of specifically.  Named after the Hindu God, Shiva, the shell represents the Third Eye found in many depictions of the God.  Folklore suggests Shiva Eye Shells are “Mermaids’ Money” and good luck to travellers and fishermen. 

  • The Shiva Eye shell has a number of meanings associated with it.  Eyes in general are a symbol of protection as to ward off the “Evil Eye”.  Coming from the sea, this shell has ocean-like soothing, comforting and serene vibes and will bring peace of mind and relaxation.  The Spiral shape has great significance as well, representing the Golden Ratio.   

  • Shiva Shell sometimes called Pacific Cat’s Eye have been believed to open the Third Eye Chakra which transform and mute negative energy. It is a stunning natural gem made of calcium carbonate and have brown and black band that are carved into the shape of the eye. Lord Shiva other than India is worshiped in countries, Tibet, and Sri Lanka, the gem’s name are derived from the Lord Shiva third eye in the middle of the idol’s forehead. Shiva's eye is a significant divination and transforming crystal which help to find a new path in life. 


    It gives us the vision of the Third Eye and has Water energy it is believed to sharpen the wearer’s intuition, which in turn enhances the discernment and deepen the understanding. It is a stone of wisdom which help to understand our world and events. Shiva's eye proves to be good if it is held in the north area of an individual’s home and is supposed to be associated with life history and career path. The flowing energy of this stone balances the push of life currents and will protect or guard against its ill effects. The Eye of Shiva or so-called Pacific Cat’s Eye is used principally as a meditation crystal to understand yourself and the issues that are happening in life. It is practiced to facilitate deep understanding of your inner self so you can effectively dispense with the outside universe in a manner that is sizable for your heart. It is reported that it will reflect and fight back against the Evil Eye, and also helps with premonition efforts. 


    Shiva Shell contains the quality of a major Hindu deity Shiva means auspicious is the destroyer or transformer. As a special piece of jewelry, the Shiva Eye has an inimitable charisma and as a protective, lucky stone it symbolizes the "Third Eye of Shiva" and watches over the one who has it. The Third Eye represents the eye of knowledge and wisdom, the essence of the omniscience of the god of fertility, Shiva, who unites male and female. The coil on the rear of the Shiva Eye symbolizes development and apparent movement and is a substantial and important symbol for security against bad energies. It rolls up and strengthens optimistic energies. The Shiva Eye has a collectively positive effect on an individual’s natural well being. This organic gemstone commonly known as cat’s eye washed up along a riverbank and is carved into the anatomy of an eye to represent the eye of Shiva. 


    How do you charge a Shiva shell? & Caring For Your Silver and Shiva Shell Jewellery 

    Since the Shiva Eye is a shell, be very delicate when cleaning it so it doesn't get scratched. Crystal healers claim that you can charge your Shiva Eye under the full moon to restore its energy, which works especially well with silver's moon connection 

    What chakra is Shiva shell? 

    the Third Eye Chakra 

    Shiva Shells resonate with the Third Eye Chakra. Shiva Shells have a gentle + nurturing energy. It is believed that whispering wisdom into a Shiva Shell passes the knowledge along to future generations. 

    What is the benefit of Shiva shell? 

    Heals and Balances Chakra 


    Shiva's eye is known to protect wearers from all forms of negativity help to concentrate the mind, and aid in decision-making. The stone is believed to increase stamina and self-confidence and have a cooling effect on the body. 

  • The power of Shiva's consciousness can bring great inner strength and spaciousness. In the tradition of Shaivism, Shiva is forever in union with Shakti, his divinely feminine consort. The nature of Shiva energy is steadfast, stable, peaceful and strong. 


    The Shiva shell is the operculum of a sea snail found in the Shiva eye was popular in Victoria times and often crafted into jewellery. The Shiva shell gets its name from the Hindu, all knowing, god Shiva also believed to be the divine integration and manifester of everything masculine and feminine. The Shiva shell is used to aid a deepening of intuitive abilities and very good for the Third Eye chakra to transform negative energy. 

    The Shiva shells are often used as a universal protection stone. Little power packs used to deflect the evil eye and prevent psychic attack, with its ability to ground energy it helps create an impenetrable shield for your sacred space and protection of your own energy field. 


    Place on your Third Eye when meditating whilst setting your intentions to open and increase your intuition and connect with old wisdoms. Use when looking for a new pathway or change of direction or when feeling blocked on your soul’s pathway. 

  • Shiva Eye is also known as “Mermaid’s Money” and is often carried by fishermen to bring good luck and fortune with a safe journey and abundant catches. 


    Shiva Eye, also known as “Pacific Cat’s Eye”, is a white shell and is thought to have many healing properties.  It also assists one in developing awareness of the divine without losing your connection to the earth.

An excellent stone to enhance creativity and awaken ones sense of adventure. It banishes fears and insecurities while also protecting against evil. Shiva eye is also a great stone to hold when trying to calm an overactive mind and enhance creativity. 


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Shiva Shell Designs